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Keeping students safe is of paramount importance here at Cardiff and we provide guidelines for students on arrival on how to keep safe and detail our safety procedures in our boarding handbook.


Our staff are specially trained in safeguarding and child protection and posters are displayed around the College detailing who to contact.

Both Cardiff and Cambridge are small cities and generally a safe place for students to live in.  The cities is easy to navigate and has excellent public transport.  We advise all students to go out in a group, keep valuables out of sight and ensure they have planned their way home.

All students must be back in the boarding houses and register with their house parents by 10pm each evening and leave requests for weekends must be signed by parents/guardians.

Staff are on duty in our boarding houses 24 hours a day, seven days a week and all entry points are monitored by our duty staff.  During the school day, students are registered for every lesson so that we are aware of their locations at all times and know if they have missed any lessons.  All the College buildings are secure and entry is by key fob only and students sign in and sign out of each building when they leave and return.  Regular fire drills are practised at the College and all pupils are given a fire safety induction on arrival.