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Hayley Bendle, Head of Higher Education and Careers at Cardiff Sixth Form College looks at the importance of the UKAT and BMAT tests in Medicine and Dentistry admissions at UK universities.
Lisa Morton, Head of Pastoral Care at Cardiff Sixth Form College, examines the role of physical activity in the wider context of well-being.
Tom Arrand, Head at Cardiff Sixth Form College, opens up wide-ranging questions for school and college communities to debate. The following letter was written by a Holocaust survivor to his local education board in the USA.
Oxford and Cambridge are often hailed as the best universities in the UK. But does this generalisation cause us to overlook other institutions that might offer a similar or even better experience for many students?
Principal Cardiff Sixth Form College, Gareth Collier, talks about the relevance of mathematics in today’s society.
Deputy Head Academic, Rebecca Clyde, shares her thoughts on how Cardiff Sixth Form College turned from a physical school into a virtual one.
Principal, Gareth Collier, makes the case for the module approach for A Level examinations in Wales.