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Cardiff Sixth Form College Hosts Stunning Enrichment Week for Students

Posted: 28th October 2020

 Cardiff Sixth Form College hosted an incredible array of activities for students during Enrichment Week, 19-23 October 2020, all designed to help students explore options for university and beyond.  The breadth and depth of the speakers, industries covered, insights into research and career options was truly breath-taking and well appreciated by the students attending the lectures.   From writing your CV and portraying yourself effectively on LinkedIn, to engineering and medical workshops, working in a law firm, investment banking, careers in architecture and dentistry and scientific seminars, there were some excellent speakers who kindly shared their knowledge and advice for the benefit of our students.  Thank you to our careers team for all your hard work in both presenting seminars and organising this exceptional event.  Some of the highlights were as follows:

 Curriculum Vitae & Job Application Presentation

Mr Sage led a curriculum vitae and job application presentation to support our students on their employability, personal development and progression.

 Royal Aeronautical Society (Engineering Talk)

A virtual Engineering talk led by Nicholas Davis with a presentation on the different types of Engineering in the Aerospace industry. Also discussions on the current impacts of jobs with Aviation, how the future will be focused on electronic and environmental friendly aircrafts and upcoming events for the Royal Aeronautical Society.

AmplifyMe Trading

Over 70 of our students from Cardiff Sixth Form College and other Dukes Education colleges had a first-hand experience of (virtually!) working on an investment bank trading floor for an asset management firm. Taking the same simulation used to train new graduate hires at Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Credit Suisse and CitiBank, our students were able to experience market making and sales trading for an investment bank and work as a portfolio manager for an asset management firm. Huge congratulations go out to Cardiff students Lili and Xuanru who won a sponsored place on Amplify Trading’s intensive bootcamp programme, with the opportunity to be fast-tracked directly to an investment bank or asset management internship respectively next year.

Recourse Medical – Patient Demo (Medicine)

A presented virtual patient demo talk led by Rishan Rahman with an insight on work experience opportunities and the contribution of skills that can be learnt from this medical platform.

 UK Parliament – (Politics & History)

The virtual UK Parliament Workshop covered an introduction to:

  • How UK Parliament works
  • What MPs do
  • Members of the House of Lords role
  • How laws are made

 Creating a LinkedIn Profile

Mr Sage led a discussion on how to create a LinkedIn profile, the preparations of internetworking with a variety of industries and universities for work experience, internships, apprenticeships and job opportunities.

 Renishaw – Careers Talk

A virtual engineering and careers talk led by Simon Biggs with a presentation on the variety of engineering and technology work experience, apprenticeship and graduate opportunities. Including discussions on Renishaw’s manufacturing of healthcare products, graduate experiences and interests in Mechanical Engineering whilst studying at university.

 Eversheds Sutherland – Careers Talk

A virtual law and careers talk led by the Eversheds Emerging Talents Team with a presentation on the different work experience and apprenticeship options and routes with Eversheds Sutherland. Offering background discussions from three Law professionals and what their role entails with Eversheds Sutherland.

 Womble Bond Dickson – Careers Talk & Workshop

A virtual law careers talk and group workshop led by Joanne Smallwood with a presentation on apprenticeship, graduate and job opportunities in law. The Lawyer skills workshop included a two groups discussion and being able to self-reflect on their own skills towards applying for Law in the future. Backgrounds of two solicitor apprentices, their current roles with Womble Bond Dickson and an opportunity for our students to ask inspiring questions.

 JP Morgan – Careers Talk

A virtual careers talk led by Phillip Paige, Executive Director and Lead of Emerging Talents in regards to his educational and professional background. Understanding and insightful details of the different roles available with JP Morgan ranging from investment banking, financial services and technology. Information about the work experience and undergraduate programmes offered by JP Morgan.

 Ryan Stuckey – Architecture Careers Talk

A virtual architecture talk led by Ryan Stuckey, who gave a well-constructed “What is an Architect?” presentation for our students by offering information, advice and guidance on the roles in Architecture, the design concepts on a variety of constructed buildings, details with the university application process and studying a degree in undergraduate Architecture.

 Jacobs – Careers Talk

A careers discussion led by Stefanu Botusharova, offering expert advice on a career into different roles in an engineering career, ranging from Civil, Construction, Highway and Mechanical Engineering. Also a discussion on studying undergraduate degrees whilst on an internship placement.

 Biograd – Careers Talk & Summer Programmes

As a partnership school with Biograd, Dr Kenny presented our annual careers and summer programmes talk with Year 12 students. Entirely focused on Biochemistry, Biology and Medicine. A very insightful experience from backgrounds of working abroad as a scientist and becoming a certified scientist through graduate programmes. The main focuses of this talk were to give students an insight into the lifestyle of a leading scientist industry and gain an understanding of the career opportunities available. Finishing the annual careers talk with details on the clinical and laboratory summer programme experiences.

 Cardiff University School of Dentistry – Careers & Admissions Talk

Professor Mike Lewis, Director of Admissions and Recruitment and Professor of Oral Medicine, led a careers and admissions talk with our students, giving them a broadened approach to dentistry as a career choice and an understanding of the university application process. 

 Cardiff University School of Engineering – Careers & Admissions Talk

Dr Michael Harbottle, Senior Lecturer in Geo-Environmental Engineering, led a careers and admissions talk with our engineering students, giving an understanding approach to industrial placement opportunities whilst studying a degree, the options of engineering roles available after studying engineering with Cardiff University and the university applications for applying to university.

 Bill Mapleson Centre – Introduction to Medicine Programme

Professor Brian Jenkins, Senior Lecturer and honorary consultant in Anesthesia and Intensive Care who gave our students the annual opportunity of attending the “Virtual Introduction to Medicine Programme” with a three-hour presentation on the preparation and realities of becoming a professional doctor. Meeting with two junior doctors and understanding their backgrounds on studying medicine at university.

 Taff Riverside Practice – Careers Talk

Alexandra Willis, Last year undergraduate student who gave a very in depth opportunity to our medical students about her own background into studying Medicine, becoming a doctor and university experiences on her internship with Taff Riverside Practice. University preparation and application process, including personal statements, interviews and an example of a university timetable.

 Stantec – Careers Talk

Alex Prance, Technician offered the opportunity to our Engineering on learning about the civil engineering and architecture career paths in a variety of roles, including some of the Wastewater Flooding and Sewage and Drainage Systems. Information and advice on the step-by-step guide for applying and studying for an engineering undergraduate or degree apprentices and how institutions like the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) can support engineers at all levels.

 Babraham Institute – Introduction & Epigenetics Talk

Fergus Powell, Public Engagement Officer offered an introduction to the Babraham Institute and gave insights into the world leading life sciences institute, the private industries who share facilities and the scientific roles available with Babraham Institute from Immunology, Signalling and Epigenetics. Laetitia Chauve, Post-Doctoral gave a presentation on her background journey before joining Babraham Institute into Epigenetics. The talk included discussions and plenty of questions from our students on Laetitia’s covered topic “Why use C. Elegans as a model organism?”.

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