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Visiting Borneo’s biggest construction company (GAP Malaysia)

Posted: 6th July 2016

To continue our student blog series on our Goodwill Ambassador Programme (GAP) in Malaysia, AS-Level Russian student Maria Zagorulko provides us with an insight into the engineering experience she gained whilst on the trip:

“The Goodwill Ambassador Programme (GAP) in Malaysia kindly provided us with an opportunity to gain insight into structural engineering from a new perspective. Jurutera Minsar, the largest engineering company on Borneo island, ensured our work observation schedule was packed with practical lectures, Q&A sessions and site visits, during which we saw the conditions in which top-quality buildings are built and how a construction site progresses from planning and development, to handing the keys over to the owners!”

Picture opposite shows Maria Zagorulko (standing, second from left) at a construction site in Malaysia with fellow engineering students from CSFC.

Categories: Student Blog