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Kristian Gwilliam

Gwilliam Kristian

Kristian joined the college in 2017 as a member of the student support team before working his way through various boarding roles up to Senior Houseparent. His focus is on the co-curricular provision at CSFC, overseeing the Clubs & Societies, Interhouse Competition and many trips & boarding activities. Kristian read Drama, Applied Theatre & Education at the Royal Central School of Speech & Drama in 2012 developing his craft of extra curricular pupil interaction and activity facilitation. Coming to CSFC via various summer camps, production management & arts facilitation roles, Kristian brings a broad range of intertwining interests which have led to many roles within the college including teaching Critical Speaking & GCSE Enrichment, leading the CSFC choir and running the August Pre-sessional course for the past 2 years.