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Julia Huber

Julia Huber

Julia joined the college in 2020 as a houseparent during COVID times. She comes from Strasbourg where she studied English literature and linguistics before completing a master’s degree in English linguistics, both at Strasbourg University. Her dissertation tackled English insults and their true meanings within context. She spent a year in Macclesfield at King’s School where she taught French for a year as a French teacher’s assistant. However, she became passionate about boarding in Strasbourg where she worked as a houseparent in Lycée Jean Rostand for 2 years before moving to the UK, and Cardiff in particular, 3 years ago. Julia is primarily concerned about the students’ wellbeing and will go above and beyond to create a positive environment in the boarding house. She is a youth mental health first aider and she is keen to undergo further training in this area. She became a Senior Houseparent in 2023. In her spare time, Julia enjoys walking her dog in the countryside and swimming.