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Food Allergy Form

Please ensure that this form is completed prior to your son/daughter starting their academic studies at Cardiff Sixth Form College.

We endeavour to ensure that we provide tasty, healthy, nutritious food for all our students. In order to ensure that we are able to cater for your son/daughter’s food allergies/religious beliefs/tastes please complete this form as fully as possible. First part to be completed by the parent and second part the student

Allergy/Intolerance (Completed by parent)

Does your son/daughter have an allergy or intolerance to any of the following allergens? If yes please check the box or leave blank if no.

Our catering company use a colour coded system to identify special diets. Please select which applies to your son/daughter:

If you have clicked red:
Where our catering company cater for students under the age of 16 with a special diet in the RED category, we strongly recommend that a freshly prepared pre-plated meal is provided for them. A pre-plated meal is the safest way to minimise the risk to the student. If you DO NOT want a pre-plated meal to be provided then please complete the section below. Once this complete form has been received, a meeting can be arranged between the catering manager and the parent/guardian to discuss your son/daughter's food requirements in more detail.

I am aware that:

Our catering company are unable to guarantee that dishes/products served are totally free from nuts/nut derivatives, due to the use of precautionary allergy statements such as 'may contain' which are used by our suppliers.

The meals provided to your child will be stored and prepared in the same areas as nominated allergens.

There is a risk of cross-contamination on display counters, particularly at self-service areas such as salad bars and dessert counters.

Religious Preferences

Data Protection

I am happy with my son/daughters allergen information and photo (where provided) to be:

Student Food Preferences (Completed by student)

To help us prepare the types of food you like please give us as much information as possible, so that we can plan our menus around your tastes (as far as reasonably possible). We aim to make your meals enjoyable so if you have any comments please do come and talk to us.

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