I / We declare as individuals and jointly that:
1 Terms and conditions: Before signing this acceptance form I / we have read and understood and I / we agree to the School’s Terms and Conditions and, where appropriate, the Conditions of Award of a bursary or scholarship, which will undergo reasonable change from time to time.
I / We have retained a copy of the School’s Terms and Conditions with our records.
2 Disclosures: I / We have already provided and will continue to provide details of any medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting my
/ our child; any learning difficulty, disability, or special educational need of my / our child, as well as any behavioural, emotional and / or social
difficulty of my / our child (for example dyslexia, dyspraxia, attention deficit disorder, visual or hearing impairment or any condition requiring use of
a wheelchair). I / We attach in confidence details of any relevant information received since my / our previous disclosure.
3 Medical matters: I / We will complete in confidence the School’s Contact and Medical Details Form and will continue to provide all relevant
information about any medical condition, health problem, or allergy which affects my / our child and / or which may prevent my / our child from
taking a full part in the School’s academic and games or sports curriculum, outdoor activities and educational visits or if my / our child has been in
contact with anyone with an infectious or contagious disease.
4 Court orders: Where I am / we are separated or divorced, I / we have informed the School of this. I / We have also disclosed all court orders
or criminal proceedings in relation to my / our child and all court orders, criminal proceedings, statutory demands or bankruptcy petitions relating
to either parent (including any court orders relating to financial matters). I / We will disclose any subsequent court orders, criminal proceedings,
statutory demands or bankruptcy petitions to the School.