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Posted: 21st June 2019

two girls facing each other

The launch of A level Art this year has been a big success with our students Yueyu Zhao & Yun Hong producing some thought-provoking issues-based work and creative portfolios culminating in a fantastic exhibition to celebrate the first year of delivery of the A level Art & Design course in the new art studio. Congratulations to Yueyu who is planning to study Architecture in Sheffield next year after considering offers from other top universities. 

Liz Ryan, an experienced Teacher of Art, commented “the A level in Art & Design has broadened the curriculum and is proving popular with students intending to study architecture alongside the evening art club which provides a creative outlet that all students in the college can access. The location adjacent to the music rooms in the accommodation block at Shand House provides a stimulating and creative environment and we look forward to meeting our new A level Art & Design intake this September and watching the department continue to grow”.

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