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Cultural Event 2022

Posted: 4th May 2022

Principal Award

The highlight of March was undoubtably the Cultural Event 2022 which saw students, parents and staff gather at the ICC Wales in Newport for an Oscar-style Award Ceremony and dinner. This was the first Cultural Event and in fact the first formal opportunity for whole community celebration that has been possible for almost two years.

The event is designed to celebrate the 43 nationalities we have at the College and those who have shown excellence in a variety of areas of the school including academic, House, boarding, pastoral, super and extra-curricular.  The event was Black Tie and many of the students dressed in their national costumes.  The colourful array of African, Asian and European clothes, modelled by our students, was truly an incredible sight to behold.

The event included a full three-course meal, entertainment supplied by the students and speeches before the awards ceremony commenced. It was delightful to get back to doing what Cardiff Sixth Form College does best, to help our students to understand that their hard work and resilience has value and that the journey is as important as the destination.

If you would like to watch the Cultural Event 2022 video click here.

Categories: News