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February Enrichment Week 2021

Posted: 10th February 2021

Next week (15th-19th February) is our enrichment week at Cardiff Sixth Form College and with Lockdown still being in place in the UK we have created a range of activities for students to safely take part in over the week during their break from lessons and assessments.

Our annual physics trip to CERN in Geneva unfortunately cannot go ahead this year, so instead we have arranged for a talk from a CERN member of staff who will provide an online presentation introducing CERN, it’s missions, the big physics questions they are addressing and taking questions from our students.

Our Careers department have created a five-day programme as part of their Virtual Enrichment Week with a series of extra-curricular activities, taking place every morning, to hopefully broaden and confirm future career options. Opportunities to CSFC students include:

Forensic Science – Catarina Sobreira, University Of Dundee

An excellent opportunity to discuss with Catarina Sobreira about a career choice into Forensic Sciences with both university and industry talk. Suitable for students interested in a career path of Healthcare and Law.

Neurosciences – Iula Nita, University College London

Iula Nita from UCL has offered a discussion and careers talk into Neurosciences with some details on her background as a University scientist, providing university and industry advice on future career opportunities whilst studying a degree. This careers talk is for any students interested in Natural Sciences or Medicine.

Air Project Engineer – Dan Wye, Qinetiq Amesbury

An insightful opportunity to meet Dan Wye, an Air Project Engineer from Qinetiq Amesbury. Gain an understanding on the career path from Aerospace Engineering and the opportunities available between university & industry.

University Of Law – Barrister Experience

Students will get the chance to: – Meet tutors and current students who will be able to tell them all about the profession. – Find out what the role of a… barrister is a ‘typical day’ – Develop advocacy skills – Practice Mooting- debating for future barristers.

Ian Derrick – Bank Of England, Economics & Careers Talk

An invaluable and most insightful opportunity to meet Ian Derrick from the Bank Of England, who is keen on discussing current economic issues in the world today and future careers opportunities with the Bank Of England.

Accountant & Nuclear Graduate Scheme, Katie Mcgrath – Sellfield

Katie Mcgrath is an accountant with Sellfield and will be discussing her background and the career paths into the career of Accountancy & Finance, and Business. The undergraduate opportunities available whilst studying at university such as internships and industry placements.

There are many more opportunities available for students next week from our Careers department and you can stay up to date via our Social Media channels.

Our boarding staff team will also have a range of activities during the week to help students relax and to make sure everyone has some fun! With Valentines Day, Pancake Day and Lunar New Year during enrichment week there will be plenty going on for all.

Online teaching will resume Monday 22nd February.

Keep up to date via our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. 

Categories: News