As we move towards the end of a busy enrichment week there were still a range on activities to keep students entertained.
Our week-long pool and table tennis tournaments continued in the boarding houses for students to compete in for pride and house points! The finals will be on the weekend.
To engage students’ creative sides we today launched a philosophy essay competition and the daily Creative Conundrum was to create a Quick Challenge video. The philosophy essay is due by Friday morning and should be based around one of these three topics:
- Is free will real or just an illusion?
- Explain the concept of time to an alien
- What constitutes as human legacy?
The Quick Challenge video is to be a 60second video based on two of the following prompts:
- Creep out the judges
- Make an incredible shot
- Make yourself disappear
- Life in the fast lane
- Scare somebody
We look forward to receiving the entries to both!
There were also a range of careers presentations for students to engage with.
Dr Girash Shah from GlaxoSmithKline is a Biotechnologist who discussed with students his career path from a-levels, universities, work placements and career choices with various companies.
Our aspiring law students had the opportunity to attend a ‘Barrister Experience’ event organised by University of Law alongside other students. The event helped develop advocacy skills, explained the day in the life of a barrister and of course helped towards providing some work experience in a time where there aren’t many opportunities.
For our budding engineers Adam Turner, 4th year student at Imperial College London, spoke to CSFC students about his time studying Civil Engineering including internships he took part in and how he gained a Quest Scholarship.
Ian Derrick from the Bank of England spoke with students about the current economic situation and his predictions for the future, as well as showing students all the Gold bars stored underground! A great opportunity for our economists to ask questions about future career opportunities.
Finally, Jenny Haigh offered a medical Anthropology Masterclass to give students an understanding of the variety of career paths related into the Medical Anthropology field. Offering the experiences of research studies into Medical & Biological Sciences, Neurology, Psychology, History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Social Sciences and Linguistics. Jenny is also a STEM Ambassador, many thanks must go to the STEM Ambassador programme who have helped our Careers department to arrange many of our careers opportunities for students this week.
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