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Children in Need fundraising

Posted: 26th November 2020

On Friday 13th November students and staff at Cardiff Sixth Form College came together to raise money for the Children in Need charity.

Children in Need are the BBC’s charity and their mission is to help ensure every child in the UK is safe, happy, secure and has the opportunities they need to reach their potential. Children in Need fund over 3,900 local charities and projects which directly support children and young people in communities right across the UK. They support children and young affected by a whole range of disadvantages such as poverty, disability, illness, distress or trauma.  We also work with a range of partners to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing the UK’s children and young people today, including: mental health and wellbeing, violence impacting young people, child sexual exploitation, holiday hunger; access to employment, and social injustice.

Due to social distancing restrictions our usual creative ideas for fundraising were a bit limited so our community team decided on an old fashioned non-uniform day. Students and staff were invited to come to school in casual wear and donate £2 each to the charity. The total amount raised was a fantastic £674!

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