Last March, in the last physical event the debate society was able to participate in before lockdown, we were successful in the Regional Round of gaining a place in the National Finals.
The National Finals are always a favourite event for our students to attend as it usually involves four days at Hope University in Liverpool. However, this was held online in September, so the eight students involved in the finals missed out on their long weekend away.
Dani and Ece are just two Cardiff Sixth Form College student involved, said Dani: “EYP went well, we managed to pass our resolution on restituting foreign cultural artefacts!” Added Ece: “Although initially I was quite disappointed that a real-life EYP Autumn Nationals event could not take place, this experience was a great substitute. During my Regional Development committee, I gathered in-depth knowledge about the current EU housing crisis. Working with students from all around the UK, I enjoyed how diverse our resolution became in terms of policy responses thanks to the variety of viewpoints presented during the committee times. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience with a great balance of virtual socialising and learning.”
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