One of our A2 Leavers Sidharth has reviewed his last couple of years at CSFC in a chat with the Marketing Department ahead of his exam results. Here is what he has to say about his experience at the top Sixth Form in the UK:
“I came to CSFC from the Lodge School in Kuching, Malaysia to study, and have taken A Levels in Biology, Economics and Maths. I have received an offer to study Law at Cambridge University this autumn, and to be honest I think that this was my biggest achievement throughout my time here. As you can imagine my parents were very proud when I told them and I am now just working hard to meet the terms of my offer in my exams – A* A* A.”
“I think it is quite clear cut for me that I have always been to be a Barrister, largely thanks to my Dad’s job within the criminal area of the law; he has been a big influence. Law is a career that has always seemed exciting and full of opportunities to me. I am considering pursuing a Masters qualification following my undergraduate degree, specialising in a specific field of law.”
“The Careers Department supported my university application immensely, and I was grateful for the several Work Experience placements organised by Mr Sage. I was lucky enough to visit both the Crown Court and Magistrate Court, which gave me plenty to talk about both in Cambridge interviews and when writing my Personal Statement.”
“Being a Prefect was a large part of my CSFC experience. As a Prefect you organise activities and liaise between staff members and students, so that is a big task and you are responsible for organising events in general like the Grad Ball – we picked a location and viewed venues.”
“I was a Staging and Lighting Co-ordinator with a friend for Glee’s production of Hairspray Jr this year. I enjoy being onstage but feel that there are many more talented people out there that outshine me! I also participated in the Biology Olympiad and also joined the Debate Club for obvious reasons, it is good to focus on arguments and convey points effectively.”
“We are really lucky with not only the quality of our boarding accommodation, but also the fact that living like this allows us to spend time with friends in the evenings after such an intense day of studying. Boarding is a big part of the experience, giving us plenty of social contact with friends.”
“I really how like how close together everything is in Cardiff, there are good amenities and the city is easy to walk around, while still offering plenty of possibilities; Cardiff is a compact bubble. I have matured very fast and used to be much more reserved, but my view point of the world is now a lot less narrow – coming here has broadened my mind a little.”
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