On Wednesday a lucky group of CSFC students were invited to visit British Airways’ Cardiff maintenance facility at Cardiff Airport, and met members of their engineering staff. It was a brilliant opportunity to ask plenty of questions about the industry and visit such an impressive collection of aircraft.
The day was arranged as part of Work Experience Month 2017 by the College’s Work Placement and Observation Officer Mr Sage, and the tour was given by Team Leader Huw Mundy and Mechanic Kate Griffiths onsite.
A highlight of the facilities tour was the close up view of two Boeing 747-400’s that had been returned to the facility to undergo maintenance. Aviation Wales joined us for the day, and to read their brilliant article, click here. In addition to Aviation Wales we were also joined by the BBC, and we will let you know shortly when the BBC Radio 4 Podcast becomes available to listen to. We hope that you all felt inspired by what you learned and that it has motivated you to work even harder to enter the aviation industry! Many thanks to British Airways for allowing our students to attend such an inspiring day.