Cardiff Sixth Form has once again delivered outstanding results confirming its place as number one in the UK for the past seven years. This year an astonishing 99% of all grades were awarded at A*-B and 91% A*-A, reinforcing the College’s reputation as one of the leading UK educational institutions. Remarkably 34 students achieved at least 4A*s with five a stunning 5 A*s. So far 18 Oxbridge places have also been confirmed.
Speaking about this year’s results, Cardiff Sixth Form Principal, Gareth Collier commented:
“Cardiff Sixth Form offers a truly unique environment for bright students from a variety of backgrounds and is really focused on providing world class teaching, excellent careers, university support and academic enrichment. With top students from around the world, the College is truly multi-cultural and enables our students to work with some of the best brains from around the globe. What our students have in common is that they are willing to work hard, are ambitious to do the best they can and are hungry for information. Having worked in many schools, I and many of my colleagues, feel that Cardiff Sixth Form has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding places we have ever worked.”
Watch the TV coverage and interview with Principal, Gareth Collier.