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Observing a coronary bypass on the ICE India programme

Posted: 5th July 2017


Hong Kong student, Jack Chung shares a graphic insight into his hospital work experience on the International Citizenship Experience (ICE) programme in India. 

“After the earliest reveille of ICE India (for now), the students and staff set off early at 7am, most still half-asleep. The early rise was worth it, though – we observed a coronary bypass on a smoker; from sawing the patient’s ribcage open, to the surgeon holding up the beating heart of a live man! It was so exciting, my partner Natasha couldn’t stop grinning from ear-to-ear under her mask!

“After a long wait, we got to see a biopsy of a lung being taken. It just so happened that this patient was the same woman we saw just days ago. Being able to follow-up with her brought the humanity into medicine.

“This was the best, but also the most exhausting, day we’ve had and after visiting the dialysis ward, microbiology and pathology labs, we all went back to our hotel for an early night.”

Jack is pictured opposite wearing his hospital scrubs. 

Categories: Student Blog