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Student receives Outstanding Pearson Learner Award

Posted: 24th May 2017

a man standing with his arms wide speaking into a microphone

Following on from our recent news story about Year 12 student, Tabitha Balogun being recognised by British Council Nigeria for her Additional Mathematics and Economics IGCSE results, we are extremely excited to reveal that fellow Nigerian student, Ikenna Maxwell Ibeanusi has now been presented with a Pearson Learner Award for attaining the highest mark across the whole of Africa in Edexcel International GCSE English Literature.

The awards were presented at a prestigious awards’ ceremony at the Weston Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya on Saturday 6th May, 2017. Unfortunately, Ikenna was unable to collect his award in person because he was preparing for his exams here at CSFC. However, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Ibeanusi were delighted to collect his certificate and Pearson medal on his behalf during the annual Speech Day at Ikenna’s former school, St. Andrew’s School, Turi in Nakuru, Kenya on Saturday 13th May 2017.

Upon hearing of Ikenna’s success, Principal Gareth Collier stated:

“Ikenna manages to embrace both humility and confidence in his character and as such is a very positive role model for his peers and the confirmation of his academic quality in English Literature is further evidence of this.

“We are very pleased with Ikenna’s progress at CSFC and are delighted to have witnessed his contribution to the Talent Show, Glee performances, Sports Day  and the annual Cultural Event. These are important features of the social calendar and his involvement is testament to his very positive all round character.

“I look forward to seeing him go from strength to strength and am proud of any small part that we can play in assisting his journey into a top university.”

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Ikenna on this fantastic achievement and we look forward to seeing him enjoy further successes whilst studying at our college.

Picture opposite shows Ikenna performing at our annual Cultural Event at the end of March.

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